30 Jun How to get more oxygen for free!
Everyone knows of the key requirements for life.
- Air (Oxygen)
- Water
- Food
All three are super important but without a doubt if supply is cut completely, it is air or more correctly oxygen that is the most vital immediately.
Hopefully we will never be in a position where these requirements are in short supply, however for many people they receive enough oxygen for survival and the ability to live a seemingly normal life. But is it possible that you can have an oxygen shortage without even knowing it?
In my opinion it is definitely possible.
According to a study titled
“Effect of different sitting posture on pulmonary function in students”
Lung capacity was significantly reduced in a slumped sitting position as compared with an upright sitting and standing posture. It is also important to note that upright standing posture yielded better results than upright sitting posture.
Journal of Physiology and Pathophysiology Vol. 2(2), pp. 29-33, July 2011 Available online http://www.academicjournals.org/jpap ISSN 2I41-260X ©2010 Academic Journals.
So what do we take from this?
Firstly it is important to recognise that increasing our lung capacity can have beneficial effects through our whole body and even our brain. Imagine the benefits when you are in an important meeting or an important exam and you stand up, adopt the correct posture and flood yourself with oxygen. (You might get some strange looks but when you explain why you are doing it, others will follow if they are wise.)
Oxygen is also a key part of healing. Healing from serious conditions or healing from relatively minor set backs. So if faced with the need to heal spend more time standing with a correct posture.
Correct posture when viewed from the side is as follows
- Middle of ear over middle of shoulder
- Middle of shoulder over hip joint
- Hip joint over middle of knee
- Middle of knee over middle ankle
So paying attention to improving your posture not only helps you look better. It helps you breathe better…….and that is a good thing.
That is all
The End
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