22 Nov Normal Headaches
Do you suffer from headaches, or do you know someone close to you who does suffer from headaches? It is such a common issue to have headaches. Many, many people, in fact millions of people throughout the world have what is termed “Normal Headaches” on a daily basis, or weekly basis. They are expecting, and usually they actually experience a headache. What’s important to mention is that there’s no such thing as a normal headache, however. It’s not normal to have headaches on a regular basis. However, many people have been told they have just the normal headaches. Or, they themselves have come to their own conclusion they just have the normal headache. That is not possible.
What are the most common causes of headaches? Everyone knows that headaches can come from dehydration, which is entirely true. They can come about from eye strain, or from looking at computer screen or digital device for too long. Most commonly, and by far and away the most regular reason people have headaches is to do with upper neck tension. Particularly tension at the back of their neck, up near the top, in those top two or three centimetres, which comes about for many different reasons. One of the most common reasons people have so much tension in their upper neck is the amount of time they spend looking at digital devices, whether it’s a phone or a mobile device, or looking at a computer screen (if you believe this is the cause of your headaches you may want to consider looking at this website for blue light filtration glasses). The amount of stress and strain that places in the upper five centimetres of your neck is enormous.
As our head tends to move forward as we are looking at a screen or a digital device, we tend to change the posture of the upper neck vertebra. The vertebra can become “subluxated”, which means jammed. This can create a lot of tension through the delicate, soft fibres in the area. By that I mean, the nerves, the muscles, the ligaments, and the discs themselves can become inflamed and irritated, which can lead to lots of changes, not just locally, but in areas particularly where the nerves travel to. Headaches from an upper neck cause are extremely common. In our office we regularly see people on a daily basis who are suffering from headaches. It’s really sad to know that many people have been suffering from headaches for an extremely long period of time before they’ve actually looked into it, and realise that they don’t need to live with those headaches.
Usually people that are chronic headache sufferers have got a change in the shape of their neck, which means that when viewed from the side, the neck has lost its normal arc and tends to be straightened out, which places a lot more gravitational stress through the upper part of your neck. It is vitally important to eliminate more sinister causes for headaches, but in most cases, the cause is not sinister but more of a bio-mechanical or musculo-skeletal cause.
A small test that you an do yourself to determine if you are likely suffering from headache from an upper neck cause is to place your fingertips up under the skull bone at the back, starting over near the side near your ear. Just exert some pressure in under the skull, and if you can find some areas as you move your thumbs towards the mid-line that are particularly tight and tender it is likely that your neck is contributing to your headaches. Then if you push on the sore areas and can recreate the headache that you are used to suffering, it further confirms that your headaches are probably from a neck cause.
If this is the case, seek out some care and attention from a local chiropractor, because they are so well equipped to be able to diagnose the cause of your headaches. Then through safe, gentle techniques to the results are often excellent. In a nutshell, please remember that a headache is not normal. There is no such thing as a normal headache, but in most cases, there is not a deep sinister cause. It is very commonly caused from poor function in the upper part of your neck, something that usually can be easily helped. We hope to help you soon.
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