06 Feb The Health Effects of Technology Overuse
Posture is Declining at the Speed of Technology: While seated and using technology you should have proper posture with your back straight, shoulders back, and chin pulled back so your ear is aligned over your shoulder. Unbalanced posture causes many physiologic deficits of your body. You can prevent this by stretching your anti-gravity posture muscles and remembering to take frequent posture breaks throughout the day.
Multi-taskers Have an Inability to Focus: Despite common belief that “multi-taskers” get more done, it actually takes three times longer to accomplish a task while multitasking. When multitasking the brain cannot focus appropriately and the quality and speed of work production decreases. Not to mention, multitasking with multiple pieces of technology at once (talking on the phone while browsing the internet) over stimulates the system.
Modern Day Adolescents Lack Empathy: Sensory disassociation and lack of utilisation of whole parts of the brain lead to disconnected children that lack empathy. These children lack motivation to make changes commonly resulting in social seclusion. Ironically, their desire to stay connected technologically affects their social skills.
Increased Risks of Obesity from a Sedentary Lifestyle: 30% of children in Australia are overweight or obese. This steep rise in obesity rates for children is directly correlated to lack of movement. It is recommended that children play outside for a minimum of two hours per day for proper development. While playing they are moving their bodies and engaging their brains. While seated on the couch playing with technology they are increasing their risk for the development of obesity.
Blue Light from Devices is Affecting Sleep-Wake Cycles: Light at night is part of the reason that so many people don’t get enough sleep, and yet many people continue to check their phones in bed before falling asleep each night. Lack of sleep plays a toll on the body. In fact short sleep periods are linked to an increased risk for depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Avoid looking at bright screens that emit blue light before going to bed for better sleep health. Even dim light can interfere with a person’s circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion.
For best health outcomes unplug your device and move your body. Focus on mindfulness to calm your mind and stay present in the moment without technology bombardment. Mindfulness will help to de-stress and allow you to enjoy your surrounding environment without the utilization of technology.
Focus on your posture. Open your chest and stretch your anti-gravity muscles to hold your body upright in a productive and confident posture. While texting or sitting at a computer our bodies fatigue and cannot resist gravity with proper posture. Overcome this by focusing on postural correction and proper posture habits as a daily practice in your life.
It’s your brain or your phone, your postural design or your computer, your health or your Facebook profile…which are more important to you? Make the choice to have better health by disconnecting from your devices and enjoying your life.
Remember, it’s Posture by Design, Not by Circumstance.
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