04 Jan Diaphragm Breathing for more oxygen.
As simple as breathing may seem, most of us are not breathing correctly or to our full capabilities. The benefits of following a breathing routine as shown in the video include
- Greater rib motion with breathing which helps to keep the mid spine mobile
- More oxygen exchange which means clearer thinking and better sports performance
- Meditative benefit through focused breathing
- Better brain function ie memory, clear thought, concentration through increased oxygenation.
Give the exercise a try and see what you notice. I am confident that it will be worth your while.
Yours in Health
Dr Michael
Are you surviving rather than thriving? We will test and measure vital health parameters to determine your baseline and if we can help you regain vitality we will relish the opportunity to help you thrive!
Dr Michael Bloom has a wide and varying interest in what it takes to live a healthy and happy life. He has over 20 years experience as a chiropractor in Europe and Australia and has attended over 40 post graduate seminars and courses. Currently he has a particular interest in the declining posture of society and the health implications associated with poor posture.
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